Sprinkman 1000-Gallon Tank
Sprinkman Brewing System 1000-gallon blending tank
All Food Processing Equipment, Food Processing Equipment, Tanks
Manufacturer Sprinkman Brewing SystemsDetails
Manufacturer: W.E. Sprinkman Brewing System (A Krones Company)
Model: 1000-gallon Stainless Steel
Built: 2015
Gross Capacity: 1190 gallons
Working Capacity; 1000 gallons
Vessel Rating: Atmospheric
Jacket Rating: Non-Code
Serial # E5792
Power: 480VAC 3Ph, 60Hz
Additional Information:
Sprinkman stainless steel 1000-gallon tank with dish top and cone bottom. The top includes a manway and spray ball; there is also a manway on the side. The vessel includes a load cell. The tank comes out of a food processing plant where it blended cream of corn
Blend Tank Mixer
- Motor: Nord Driver System – Type: SK100L/4 CUS – 3HP, 1705 rpm
- Gearbox: Nord Drive Systems – SK 4282AFBH-100L/4 CUS
Lighting Mixer:
- Motor: Nord Driver System – Type: SK100L/4 CUS – 3HP, 1705 rpm
- Gearbox: Nord Driver System – SK 4282AFBH-100L/4 CUS
Good condition. Sold in As-is, Where-is condition.